Workout Note 23 June 2012

40 minutes walking to and dancing by the bonesetter sea at Power Station Beach. Now feel good on only Panadol (anti-inflammatory) and Tramadol (mild opioide).

Need to up food intake since I lost a lot of weight in hospital during my abdominal problem this week and look a bit anorexic. Two bananas, then, for breakfast along with bread dipped in maple syrup and baking soda (cancer can’t thrive in an alkaline environment).

Meat allowed when I’m eating out and someone else is buying or am a guest in a home: this is freeloading but will make meat rare. Great spaghetti with meatballs last night.

No return to chocs owing to sugar’s dangers alas.

But basically, I have to focus on using my rice cooker more creatively. It makes great pasta into which I can toss vegetables and hot sauce. I could go for fresh steamed fish in this dish, but do not know how to steam fish. I could also crack open a can of bully beef but that way lies madness.

The whole wheat loaves from Just Greens can be transformed into veggie pizza as long as I could find a cheese substitute. Soya cheese perhaps.

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